uPVC Windows Stoke-on-Trent | uPVC Window Cost Staffordshire
upvc windows stoke-on-trent

uPVC Windows Stoke-on-Trent

Bespoke Range of Window Styles

We are proud to supply a fantastic range of uPVC windows in Stoke-on-Trent and surrounding towns. Our windows are weatherproof, durable and energy efficient, adding visual appeal to any property. Get a free uPVC window quote today.

uPVC Windows Stoke-on-Trent

We supply an extensive range of uPVC windows in Stoke-on-Trent and surrounding areas. Our windows are manufactured to meet exceedingly high thermal values, as well as offering internal strength and durability. Additionally, the windows are incredibly secure with PAS24 approval.

The windows we offer include casement, flush casement, tilt & turn, flush tilt & turn, fully reversible and vertical slider. This gives customers a wide selection to improve their home. No matter whether they live in a commercial or domestic property, we have a style that will suit.

For a unique finish, the uPVC windows are fully customisable. We have a large range of colours with a durable coating. As well as this, customers can decide on their choice on hardware, with styles suited to both traditional and contemporary properties.

upvc windows cost stoke-on-trent

Thermal Performance

Whatever style of uPVC window, the homeowner can benefit from exceptional energy ratings. The innovative design will provide a comfortable living space, preventing heat loss. The windows come in either double or triple glazing, both of which work to retain heat for much longer than single pane systems. The windows are capable of achieving a fantastic A++ Window Energy Rating following installation. With the uPVC windows, the internal temperature will remain at optimum for the ideal living space.


We don’t compromise on security with our fantastic uPVC windows. Each product is integrated with a range of safety measures in place. The multipoint locking systems will protect homes, families and possessions, designed to withstand force. As well as the high-quality locking mechanisms, the glass plays a part in security. The panes are internally beaded, meaning they cannot be removed from the outside. This prevents unwanted intruders from gaining entry, leaving Stoke-on-Trent homeowners relaxed and secure.

upvc windows costs stoke-on-trent
upvc windows price stoke-on-trent


uPVC is one of the strongest materials on the market. The structural integrity of the windows makes them favoured as a home improvement. During strong, unpredictable winds comes the importance for a durable product. Our windows are manufactured with weatherseals and gaskets for exceptional weather resistance. As well as this, the windows are made to prevent water ingress, also stopping the potential for damp and mould. uPVC windows are made to stand the test of time, performing as if they were just like new.

Request a Quote Online today!

Request your free online quote today for a bespoke price. Use our online contact form and fill out your details, one of our team will get back to you with your quote!


uPVC Window Features

upvc windows prices stoke-on-trent

Glazing Options

With the windows come one of the widest choices of glazing options on the market. Customers can design their window from a wide selection of glass, including ornate designs. These are obscured for increased privacy and will add visual appeal to any property.

upvc window cost stoke-on-trent


Suiting the existing décor of a property is an important factor for customers purchasing uPVC windows. That’s why we offer a wide selection of colours and finishes, made to withstand strong winds and rain. The colours can be both interior and exterior for a unique appearance.

upvc windows stoke-on-trent


Homeowners can have peace of mind that they are safe and secure behind our uPVC windows. The robust locking systems are approved by both PAS24 and Secured By Design. This will ensure long-term protection from unwanted intruders and damage.

upvc windows cost stoke-on-trent

Thermal Performance

Once installed, uPVC windows can achieve exceptional thermal values. With energy ratings of up to A++, the windows excel in retaining heat within the property. Not only will this reduce energy bills, but it will fundamentally lower the harmful emission produced by the household.

uPVC Window Prices Stoke-on-Trent

Improve homes in Stoke-on-Trent today with our uPVC windows. We have a range of styles to suit both modern and traditional properties. Our colours, finishes and hardware accessories can be customised to suit the customer's needs.

Get in touch with us today to find out our prices. You can fill out our contact form, and we’ll happily answer any queries you have for us.

Alternatively, you can call us directly on 01782 593 968. Our friendly team will be happy to help you. We look forward to hearing from you!

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