Aluminium Windows Supply & Install Stoke-on-Trent | Contech
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Aluminium Windows Stoke-on-Trent

Contemporary, Robust Windows

We are suppliers of fantastic aluminium windows in Stoke-on-Trent. Each window is manufactured to an exceptional standard using market-leading materials. Get in touch with us today to find out more about our prices and ask us anything about our services.

Aluminium Windows Stoke-on-Trent

We supply a bespoke range of aluminium windows to homes in Stoke-on-Trent and surrounding areas. We offer casement, flush, tilt and turn amongst a range of other styles. Each window is manufactured with longevity in mind. The windows are suitable for both domestic and commercial properties, adding market value.

Customers can tailor their aluminium window to suit their needs. With our range of window styles comes a selection of customisation options. With a choice of colours includes both single and dual, every detail can be personalised. As well as this, the windows can be integrated with a choice of hardware accessories.

Here at Contech, we are suppliers of aluminium windows. Our skilled team work to the highest standards to deliver a top-quality service. We deliver our products efficiently and on time throughout the U.K. Improve your customer’s homes in Stoke-on-Trent and surrounding areas with our aluminium windows.

aluminium windows cost stoke-on-trent

Thermal Efficiency

Aluminium windows are designed with exceptional thermal break technology. This results in fantastic thermal performance, with the windows capable of achieving an A+ window energy rating. The profiles will help prevent heat loss, keeping the internal temperature at optimum. As well as this, the windows can be manufactured with either double or triple glazing. These options offer superior energy efficiency than that of single pane systems.


We understand the security of your customers is of the utmost importance. That’s why each window features safety measures. The aluminium windows are fitted with multipoint locking or cockspur handles, based on the design that’s chosen. Additionally, the window systems we offer can be internally beaded. This means the glass physically cannot be removed from the outside, stopping the potential for break-ins through the window.

aluminium windows stoke-on-trent
aluminium windows price stoke-on-trent

Customisation Options

For traditional or contemporary properties in Stoke-on-Trent, we have an aluminium window style to match the look. Whether the homeowner wants to seamlessly match the existing décor of their home or make a statement, we have a portfolio of design options. Our choice of standard or non-standard colours includes metallic, dual and textured amongst other finishes. For the perfect finishing touch, your customers can choose their hardware accessories for the aluminium window.

Request a Quote Online today!

Request your free online quote today for a bespoke price. Use our online contact form and fill out your details, one of our team will get back to you with your quote!


Conservatory Roof Features

aluminium windows costs stoke-on-trent


The homeowner can appreciate a property that’s free from weather damage. The weather-sealed profile will keep draughts to a minimum. As well as this, the windows will stop water ingress and damp from occurring.

aluminium window prices stoke-on-trent

Energy Efficient

The aluminium window systems we offer are thermally broken, reduce the transmission of heat. This results in a superior U value than underperforming windows. Create a barrier between the exterior and the interior temperature.

aluminium window costs stoke-on-trent


The aluminium windows we supply can be installed in a range of building types. From replacement windows on existing properties, to brand new renovations, aluminium windows can easily be fitted. These can be installed in both domestic and commercial properties for your customer.

aluminium windows stoke-on-trent


For the safety of your Stoke-on-Trent customers, aluminium windows are Kitemarked. This includes PAS24 approval, ensuring the windows are exceptionally secure. The locking systems and durable glazing will protect home and families for decades.

Aluminium Window Prices Stoke-on-Trent

Enhance Stoke-on-Trent homes today with our aluminium windows. Our extensive selection of styles can suit modern or traditional properties. With a range of colours, finishes and hardware accessories, the customer can match their aesthetic perfectly.

Get in touch with us today to find out our prices. You can fill out our contact form, and we’ll happily answer any queries you have for us.

Alternatively, you can call us directly on 01782 593 968. Our friendly team will be happy to help you. We look forward to hearing from you!

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